Devoted Australian Labradoodle Breeders
We are dedicated ethical Australian labradoodle breeders committed to highest standards. We specialise in early training ensuring the best start.
We are also a busy family with six lively children and four beautiful, fun dogs, Poppy, Tara, Naboo and Swift. Three living in my home and Tara in my close friends home. We live in the Peak district, enjoy having adventures together in the outdoors, and take pleasure in large family life. We enjoy babies and puppies, although as Australian labradoodle breeders we try not to time the two together.
Our kids treat them like toys, pillows, foot warmers, and play mates, and they take it all with great humour, even when they go to their crates for some peace and quiet and find a child is already in there.

Well-trained Australian Labradoodle
Our girls have been easy to train, and as Australian Labradoodle breeders, we often get comments on what well-behaved girls they are. Poppy responds to commands such as heel (off the lead), sit, down, stay, and wait. She is happy in the house, and she only comes on carpets when invited which is a great relief for those visitors who are afraid of dogs. The other girls are younger and still learning that level of reliability, all a joy to train with.
Poppy and Tara’s particularly gentle nature as mature girls has helped some overcome their fear of dogs, and have also inspired some non-dog lovers to consider getting a dog. They really are incredibly special
About our Dogs

Poppy, now retired is a beautiful Australian labradoodle with a lovely nature; a beautiful chocolate brown fleece coat; soft brown eyes; a toothy smile (really!); and a spring in her step. She is a great member of the family; she grew up with our kids (they were pups together really) and truly sees herself as a founding family member, and shares a special understanding with me, after all we understand motherhood.

Tara is Poppy’s daughter and is a dark chocolate medium who has inherited Poppy’s smile. She is an outstanding mother, both physically, and in her devotion to her puppies. She is the first girl who lives in a guardian home, coming to us for holidays, and when she has puppies. In her day-to-day life, she lives the life Australian Labradoodles were bred for as an assistance dog. She also works with her owner, a bushcraft instructor in the woods, working with children and adults.

Naboo is Tara’s daughter, Poppy’s granddaughter. She is a small medium with the softest, intense dark chocolate coat with caramel tints. She loves to curl up small on a lap and shows the absolute devotion and attention to her people this breed is known for.

Swift is a new addition, recently brought in to maintain diversity and broaden our colour range whilst always having an eye on improving form. She has a stunning conformation and the deepest chocolate brown eyes and toffee coat with red tints. She is also a great puppy big sister, being great at playing with developing puppies and teaching them good dog manners.
To maintain genetic diversity
The objective of Australian Labradoodle breeders is to maintain genetic diversity by achieving an inbreeding co-efficient of below 10%. We personally aim for even lower below 2%, for best chance of genetic health for the individual puppies, and also for the future health of the breed. Our lovely founding girl Poppy comes from this line, as will the sire. We are excited to be contributing to the continued well-being and establishment of this special breed.
5 Starts Award by the Doodle Club
5 stars by The Doodle Club, verifying that we are one of the best Australian Labradoodle breeders in the country, and the maximum council star rating at this stage in the business.
Qualifications of Australian Labradoodle Breeders
To qualify as a breeding dog, at least three of the health-tested parent breeds must be in the mix. Besides, the name and logo of ASD belongs to Rutland Manor and must come from those specific lines. An Australian Labradoodle breeder should provide you with at least, Clarification of the type of Australian Labradoodle breed. Information about health screening, size of parents, and coat and shedding. Pedigree and heritage.
Are you looking for Australian Labradoodle breeder in the UK? Do not hesitate to contact Derbyshire Doodles to ensure that you get healthy, well-bred Australian Labradoodles.